The First Step To Happiness Is

Defining What Happiness Means To You.

Counseling for Trauma, Anxiety and more

Take The First Step

Take The First Step


I get it, asking for help can be one of the most scary things you do.  It is normal to think: “Do I really need help? Isn’t everything just my fault? Will I just be misunderstood and be told what to do?” When we are feeling at our worst, it is hard to imagine that people won’t run away if we lay our problems down on them.

It feels like you are running on empty

People, just like you, come to therapy for a number of different reasons. You might find it hard to concentrate or cope with your day to day life. Worry and feelings of emptiness suck the joy out of things and don’t let you live fully.

Relationships, work and other responsibilities bring back unpleasant feelings of fear, anxiety and disappointment. You might feel lost – directionless and disconnected from the world. Your job is unfulfilling and your relationships feel like a burden, or you feel like a burden to others.

When we grow up feeling unsafe, calm and fulfilment doesn’t come easily.

These difficulties often have a common source. Growing up feeling rejected and rebuffed can leave you feeling like you are unimportant or unlovable. When the people that are supposed to nurture us and look after us cause us pain, we don’t learn how to have a healthy relationship with others and ourselves. It is challenging to fully love because deep down we don’t think we deserve to be loved. We don’t look after ourselves because we don’t think we are worth being looked after. We have no motivation because we don’t think we can ever accomplish anything.

Break the cycle. 

It doesn’t have to be like this forever. Feeling energised, in control and on top of your life is possible with the right support. Therapy is a journey of self discovery where you become more aware of the influences that shaped you, and how you can make better choices to live a more connected life.

From the start, you will gain a better understanding of how to deal with overwhelming feelings in a healthy way.  Therapy is relationship of deep trust where your hurts and wishes can be seen, understood and respected, and where you can find long-lasting relief.

“Healing doesn’t mean denying the pain ever existed. It means the pain no longer controls our lives.”

Hello, I’m Paola

I’m a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida, with a temporary license in New Jersey. People reach out for me for a number of different reasons, but one they  have in common is that they want live a more fulfilling life, where you feel at ease and like you belong.

When you take control of your life and move past the difficult experiences, relationships and emotions that hold you back, you open the door to enjoying a life where you can love and be loved, without fearing it will all come crashing down. With time, you can learn to truly love yourself and be at your best, so you can feel happy and be there for your loved ones.




Do you have more questions before you start counselling? Here is a list of frequently asked questions that can help you.

Crisis Resources

Are you experiencing a crisis and need immediate help?

Use the resources below for support.


Be Kind Counseling, LLC maintains this internet site as a resource to our clients. It is not intended to be a substitute for psychotherapy. Included are direct links to other websites which we believe may be helpful; however, this does not imply that Be Kind Counseling, LLC endorses all the information provided at each of these sites.
